
A newspaper for Indiana United Methodist clergy, laity and
seekers that reflects Christ’s teachings through stories and

What is the Indiana Area Office?

North and South Indiana Conferences comprise the Indiana Area. Bishop Michael J. Coyner is the Episcopal leader of the area. Approximately 570 churches, 835 clergy and 100,000 members are in the North Indiana Conference. Approximately 683 churches, 795 clergy and 120,000 members are in the South Indiana Conference. The churches are served by pastors under the supervision of 18 district superintendents.

Office Staff — phone extensions and e-mail addresses

Who is on staff and how to contact them

Rev. David V.W. Owen’s biography

Rev. Daniel R. Gangler’s biography

Where we are

How to find the Interchurch Center

Overview of this Web site

What can be found on our site and where